Tuesday 21 October 2014

Improving your Research & Planning

Half-term is a fantastic opportunity for you to improve your research and planning: after you come back your major focus should be on the filming of your video.

Although you have been given consistent feedback throughout this term, you should also be able to self-assess your blog by checking:

(1) That you have all posts completed in detail
(2) That you have used ICT in every post (and that this is varied)
(3) That the presentation of every post is tidy

To get an A, there also needs to be some sense that your project is a 'journey'- that you have changed your mind throughout the project and made improvements throughout, acting on feedback and through collaborations. This means posting follow-ups to location/costume/storyboard posts that discuss how the project has evolved.

Below are two examples of blogs- the top one received an 18/20 and the one below received a 17/20. Don't worry about the fancy template of their blogs, they have not received any credit for this- focus more on their use of ICT, detailed posts and good presentation within the blog.




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