Thursday 26 September 2013

The Concept

Having spent the last week coming up with different ideas and suggestions, it is now time to commit to a clear concept.

Your concept should clearly incorporate your knowledge of music videos and therefore should have at least 3 and possibly 4 'strands'.

Your concern should be less with what the narrative of your music video is and should instead focus on aesthetics:

- What (kinds of) locations do you plan to use?
- What (kinds of) costumes do you think are necessary?
- Are there any post-production effects/editing techniques that you think will be important?
- Have you already visualised important moments/key shots?

Your presentation for this on your blog should have visuals rather than a written explanation- a brief video presentation intercut with visuals would be good.

You should also include all sketches and rough bits of work that have contributed towards you deciding the concept.


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