After having discussed possible ideas and come up with a pitch, your next focus should be on thinking about your target audience and designing a production company ident (logo) for your film. These will be discussed together as the production company ident will be largely dependent on what you decide the target audience for your film is.
Target Audience
Film company target audiences tend to be broken down into 4 categories:
Females under 25
Males under 25
Females over 25
Males over 25
Of course, you might argue that your film would appeal to more than one of these audience groups, and many films do. There are even some films that are 'four-quadrant' movies, meaning that they would have a genuine appeal for all 4 target audience groups (e.g. Toy Story 3, Inception).
You will need to have evidence on your blog that you are thinking about who would be your target audience and attached to that think about why it is that it might
not appeal to other audiences. As always, you should attempt to think about your presentation!
Further Thoughts on Target Audience
You should reflect about what kind of film you are going to be making the opening of, and whether it would be considered mainstream, a slightly lower budget co-production or a niche independent production.
This would obviously have an impact on the size of your audience.
EXTENSION 1: look at some of the BFI exit polls and discuss what kinds of 'baits' of audience there might be:
EXTENSION 2: look at the UK Tribes website and try to think about specific youth audience groups that may be interested in your film: use the password
Production Company Ident
Your production company logo should at worstnot be distracting and at best help to reflect the tone of the film you are aiming to make.
Many major film company idents tend to reflect a wider appeal- Universal, Paramount and Dreamworks, for example.
For independent production companies who specialise in making certain films, there tends to be a slightly more themed ident.
For example, Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's production company Gary Sanchez Productions
Gunslinger Productions have made edgy social realism films like Shank, Sket and the parody Anuvahood.