Thursday, 18 December 2014

12BMS Feedback

See below for the different feedback for your initial ideas- you can put the relevant ones on your blog and then you will need to discuss what you have learned as you have seen following the criteria above.

There should be an appropriate level of detail and you need to consider presentation (i.e. rotate the pictures I've not had a chance to rotate!) in your post.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Target Audience & Production Company Ident

After having discussed possible ideas and come up with a pitch, your next focus should be on thinking about your target audience and designing a production company ident (logo) for your film. These will be discussed together as the production company ident will be largely dependent on what you decide the target audience for your film is.

Target Audience

Film company target audiences tend to be broken down into 4 categories:

Females under 25
Males under 25
Females over 25
Males over 25

Of course, you might argue that your film would appeal to more than one of these audience groups, and many films do. There are even some films that are 'four-quadrant' movies, meaning that they would have a genuine appeal for all 4 target audience groups (e.g. Toy Story 3, Inception).

You will need to have evidence on your blog that you are thinking about who would be your target audience and attached to that think about why it is that it might not appeal to other audiences. As always, you should attempt to think about your presentation!

Further Thoughts on Target Audience

You should reflect about what kind of film you are going to be making the opening of, and whether it would be considered mainstream, a slightly lower budget co-production or a niche independent production.

This would obviously have an impact on the size of your audience.

EXTENSION 1: look at some of the BFI exit polls and discuss what kinds of 'baits' of audience there might be:

EXTENSION 2: look at the UK Tribes website and try to think about specific youth audience groups that may be interested in your film: use the password slwhkxwi

Production Company Ident

Your production company logo should at worstnot be distracting and at best help to reflect the tone of the film you are aiming to make.

Many major film company idents tend to reflect a wider appeal- Universal, Paramount and Dreamworks, for example.

For independent production companies who specialise in making certain films, there tends to be a slightly more themed ident.
For example, Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's production company Gary Sanchez Productions

Gunslinger Productions have made edgy social realism films like Shank, Sket and the parody Anuvahood.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Character Development

It will be necessary and beneficial for you to work out a slightly more 'fleshed-out' idea of your film- this will allow for some important character development and issues around tone (so, is your proposed horror film going to feature dozens of characters being killed or just one person being psychologically tortured?)

The character development aspect should focus on your main characters with a profile of what they are like- you might focus on aspects such as:
  • costume
  • personality
  • name & possibly reason
1 or 2 in-depth profiles rather than every character in your opening sequence is fine, and you are welcome to make reference to existing characters that may be an influence on your choices.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Wallander Clip!

I know some of you have been trying to get screen grabs from Wallander but haven't been able to access the clip. Please follow instructions below to access it from FROG.

FROG- Second Dot- Departmental Sites-Shared Area- Media- Year 12 Media- Foundation Portfolio- Opening Sequences- Wallander.mp4

You can then download this file and get your screen grabs from there.

25 Word Pitch

While a good idea can quite easily be ruined by poor execution, a poor idea is much more difficult to save through good production skills.

Students often come up with overly-complicated narratives that they then struggle to contain in a brief teaser, or choose ideas that do not really 'work' in terms of allowing for interesting visual ideas.

The most important thing is to keep your ideas simple and to attempt to think visually when coming up with ideas.

Steven Spielberg said that"If a person can sell me an idea in 25 words or less, I know it'll make a good movie." Using this as a model, you will be required to provide a pitch to the rest of the class and be ready to answer any questions or field any other feedback.

Below are four different examples that may help you in terms of structure:

Egomania by Paul Alexander and Simon Braithwaite - "Hotshot young lawyer Michael Stark becomes so successful, so arrogant and so full of himself that his ego decides to go solo - with disastrous consequences."

The Cleaner by Peter Michael Rosenberg - "When a crime scene cleaner haunted by his past uncovers evidence that suggests LAPD cops are working as assassins, he becomes their next target."

Shoeless Joe by Andrew Clyde - "A holiday of a lifetime across the desolate heart of the Australian outback turns into a living nightmare for five friends."

Storage by Chris Denne and Matt Winn - "Terror stalks a storage facility. Survival for those trapped inside depends on the secrets in those endless units. But some doors are better left locked."

Genre Influences

Having seen the variations of opening sequences as a class, it is crucial that you find additional sources of influences that are more interesting/ personalised for you. At this stage, you are looking to focus on:

- influences in terms of genre

Again, these should be shown on your blog with visual elements included (stills from the opening of the film) focusing on specific detail of the conventions in terms of:

- production ident
- titles
- tone
- sounds
- characters

Friday, 5 December 2014

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Mood Board

For your opening sequence, the precise storyline is not assessed. However, a poor storyline often will make it a struggle for you to obtain the higher marks in your production.

While we will focus on more specific aspects of storyline next week, one way to assist the process of coming up with a suitable story is to do a mood board.

A mood board is a poster that consists of images, bits of text, objects or anything else that may convey ideas of design for a project. It is used by many people within different creative occupations in order to begin to get ideas of the tone and look that they wish to bring into their projects.

You will need to design some kind of mood board in order to ensure that your story ideas are not just guided by a one-sentence story but also informed by a visual style you want to incorporate. Each of you should do this individually to reflect your aesthetic interests.

This should be labelled 'Planning'.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


While this was given to you by Miss Mitchell, see below for the brief:

Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

What is an Opening Sequence? Three Case Studies

One of the first things that will need to be on your blog is a discussion of what an opening sequence actually entails. While this is an incredibly broad question that very much differs between films, by analysing the 3 different opening sequences looked at in class you can begin to see what all opening sequences include as well as seeing what differences in style there are between some openings.

You will need to briefly discuss each case study in terms of:
  • What conventions of opening sequences they contain?
  • What makes each unique in terms of being an opening sequence?
  • Pick out 2 interesting aspects of the style (comment on either any interesting camera shots, edits, sound or mise-en--scene) 
  • Offer your opinion of the opening
You should finish with a brief explanation of your conclusions of an opening sequence. Try to have a flexible approach: 'While they must have a production ident and most feature ..., only some will feature...'

You will need to use stills, tubechop or reference timings of clips to help make your points more specific and detailed.

The Bourne Supremacy


Sweeney Todd

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Half Term Homework: Doc Martin

Over half-term, you will need to write an essay based around the construction of representation of regional identity in Doc Martin.

You will need to discuss:

Camera shots

Above I have attached your group efforts- you are welcome to make similar points but should at the very least use these critically and re-write many of them.

You will be able to access the clip on FROG- go to the Media section under Classroom and then Year 12 Media and then it is called 'G322 Key Media concepts (TV Drama) Monday 13h May 2013 AM.mp4'

Try to spend around 45 minutes doing this exercise- it should be between 2-3 sides.

Have a good half term

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Improving your Research & Planning

Half-term is a fantastic opportunity for you to improve your research and planning: after you come back your major focus should be on the filming of your video.

Although you have been given consistent feedback throughout this term, you should also be able to self-assess your blog by checking:

(1) That you have all posts completed in detail
(2) That you have used ICT in every post (and that this is varied)
(3) That the presentation of every post is tidy

To get an A, there also needs to be some sense that your project is a 'journey'- that you have changed your mind throughout the project and made improvements throughout, acting on feedback and through collaborations. This means posting follow-ups to location/costume/storyboard posts that discuss how the project has evolved.

Below are two examples of blogs- the top one received an 18/20 and the one below received a 17/20. Don't worry about the fancy template of their blogs, they have not received any credit for this- focus more on their use of ICT, detailed posts and good presentation within the blog.

Film Schedule

Above is the exemplar of a film schedule. While they are easy to fill in, you must remember that you are still assessed in terms of detail provided and in that sense it is important that you take your time in completing the schedule as accurately as possible.

Identifying the shots can be tricky- you need to attempt to designate scenes in terms of where they appear in your trailer, or think about what scene it would be in your video.

Details of the scene should be clear and cast and props and costume should be addressed both in terms of who/what they are but also in brackets actor names/person responsible for providing prop.

Camera setups should be at least 2 even for the most basic of scenes and time taken should always be generous allowing for delays between different shots (it is better to tell your actors/yourself it will take 2 hours and to finish after 80 minutes then vice versa).

Please fill in a different schedule sheet for every filming session you plan to do. Dates for each filming session should only be completed when you have confirmation from all participants.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Y13 Advice About Music Videos

Above is the advice that Year 13's gave to you to produce excellent quality footage. 

Pick out 2 or 3 points that:

- you feel you may not have considered as a group
- you feel back up your priorities as a group
- you will act upon to ensure you do it well
- you think are interesting and you had not previously thought of

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Final Parts of Planning: Talent Release, Location Permissions, Record Label Permissions

Talent Release Forms

In the final stages of your planning, you will need to complete some practicalities.

In terms of the talent release form, you need to have everyone who has agreed to be in your video to complete a release form- if they attend this school then the address can simply be the name of the school. For any students who do not attend, a 'vague' address is fine (e.g. Sutton). You should not upload any Talent Release Forms with full addresses.

Location Permissions Letter

Again used as evidence that you have planned out all of your locations and have a set shooting schedule, the location permissions letter can be more formal than below

Record Label Permissions Letter
You are required to seek (but not necessarily receive) permission to use your track from their record label. This should be done in an official manner but may be e-mailed as an attachment to the record label. 


The costume post should focus on both the artist(s) but also any additional cast members in the video. The key is to combine the visual (you should be able to be precise) with justification of why these costumes are best.

While this may be more simple if you are designing a video for a glamorous pop star, an effort must also be made to discuss video with an indie rock theme. Constantly referring to 'casual clothe's is not enough- you should commit to a specific T-shirt/sweater etc. in terms of messages and possible significance of colour.

Any visuals you create can be shared among the group but there should be some individual context.


One of the ways that you are assessed is your use of mise-en-scene, for which props are an essential item. Props should be carefully chosen to reflect the artist and the genre for the music video that you are producing.

For the post on props to be deemed excellent, you need to be:

- specific: using precise images wherever possible
- detailed: where relevant displaying the process of getting specific props (or looking at different possibilities)

Any visuals you produce can be shared as a group but you should provide an individual context.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Oliver Twist- Class & Status

Focus on the clip above specifically in terms of mise-en-scene and how this affects the construction of class & status. You should be looking out for specific detail and again aiming to write 250-300 words within class.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Innovative Planning Posts

Below are a few examples of excellent ways to present some of your planning posts. There is nothing wrong with making it fun and being innovative provided there is a clear focus. These kinds of posts would get you additional marks in terms of presentation and use of technology but the candidates involved also seem to be having a good time!

The Silence

Here is the clip from 'The Silence' that we looked at in class and that you will need to do a written assignment about: 250 words focusing only on how sound affects the representation of disability.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Audience Research

The powerpoint below provides some guidance about Target Audience. You need to ensure that the following questions are answered:
  • What do real audiences consume?
  • Who are the specific audiences for particular products?
  • How do media industries target those audiences?

You will need to present this, as always, in a visually interesting way. So, where possible provide plenty of examples and screen stills of your research.

You should also look at what 'tribes' might be most interested in your music: and you will need the password slwhkxwi

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Line of Beauty

Homework: The Line of Beauty Analysis
For this assignment you will need to think about the use of camera shots, angles, movements and framing within the clip from The Line of Beauty and how these affect the representation of sexuality- essentially, how the three different characters are portrayed.
Essentially, you should identify any shots/angles/movements/compositions that are present in the clip and attempt to comment on their significance (i.e. “what they say”) and your sentences should reflect this.
e.g. ‘In the opening scene there is a close-up of Cat clearly showing how vulnerable she is’
The assignment should be at least 250 words but not more than 350. Please do not include an extensive introduction (You could simply start ‘Within the clip from The Line of Beauty…’) or a lengthy, formal conclusion.
In terms of structure, at this stage it would be advised to focus on any points chronologically, identifying the shot/angle/movement/composition and how that could impact on representation. 
 This will be due for the next lesson.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The Line of Beauty Sexuality Analysis

Homework: The Line of Beauty Analysis

For this assignment you will need to think about the use of camera shots, angles, movements and framing within the clip from The Line of Beauty and how these affect the representation of sexuality- essentially, how the three different characters are portrayed.
Essentially, you should identify any shots/angles/movements/compositions that are present in the clip and attempt to comment on their significance (i.e. “what they say”) and your sentences should reflect this.
e.g. ‘In the opening scene there is a close-up of Cat clearly showing how vulnerable she is’
The assignment should be at least 250 words but not more than 350. Please do not include an extensive introduction (You could simply start ‘Within the clip from The Line of Beauty…’) or a lengthy, formal conclusion.
In terms of structure, at this stage it would be advised to focus on any points chronologically, identifying the shot/angle/movement/composition and how that could impact on representation. 
 This will be due for the next lesson.


You must either discuss the use of the editing in The Inbetweeners in terms of comedy ( and excitement in The French Connection (

You should write at least 300 words.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Monday, 23 June 2014

Friday, 6 June 2014

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Friday, 9 May 2014

Local, National and International audiences

Hi all,

Here's a very recent case study that you might like to explore.

Nintendo is due to release Tomodatchi Life in the US and Europe in June. This has been a massive hit in Japan, and looks like it will be here too.

You play the game with your Mii, an avatar (in game representation) of you. I think it is a bit like the Sims. You meet people, have fun, and invite avatars of your friends  and family.

Click the link to find out more about the game:

But there is a problem: same sex characters are not allowed to marry in the game; it just won't let them. This has caused complaints about the fact that it excludes gay people from playing the game in a way that represents their life.

Read some of the articles to get a sense of the argument:

Some people have argued that this might reflect the societies of Japan, US and Europe. In some parts of the US and Europe, gay marriage has become legal, and much more widely accepted. In Japan this is not the case.

From the NY Daily News:

"The issue marks not only a cultural divide between Japan, where gay marriage is not legal, and North America and Europe, where gay marriage has become legal in some places, but also in the interactive world, where games are often painstakingly “localized” for other regions, meaning characters’ voices and likenesses are changed to suit different locales and customs.

“The ability for same-sex relationships to occur in the game was not part of the original game that launched in Japan, and that game is made up of the same code that was used to localize it for other regions outside of Japan,” Nintendo noted in an emailed statement.

While many English-language games don’t feature gay characters, several role-playing series produced by English-speaking developers, such as “The Sims,” “Fable” and “The Elder Scrolls,” have allowed players to create characters that can woo characters of the same sex, as well as marry and have children. Other more narrative-driven games, like “Grand Theft Auto IV,” “The Last of Us” and “Gone Home,” have included specific gay, lesbian and bisexual characters."

This is an example of where it perhaps would have been more appropriate to localise the game for the different regions.

Could you use this if local, national and international audiences came up?

Also the BBC article ends with Nintendo's next console which seems to be one targeted at people with a lower income. THIS IS INTERESTING! Do more research on this!

Monday, 28 April 2014

Lovely Minecraft resources

Hi all,

I have collated a range of lovely Minecraft resources for you to look at. Make sure you make notes especially on the facts and figures that will help you with your case studies for the exam. Also remember to look at the dates of the articles as some of them are older than others and so you need to be aware of that when you quote the figures.

There are articles on:
  • How successful Minecraft is
  • How it is attracting audiences (children AND parents)
  • How it is being used in schools
  • Examples of Minecraft synergy

Enjoy reading!

Mrs Saunders.

Why Minecraft is more than just another video game.

All of Denmark virtually recreated. 

Me, my son and Minecraft.

Minecraft Review.

Lego Minecraft unveiled.

Minecraft in the classroom.

Minecraft PC Sales at 12 Million; Franchise at 33 Million .

Mojang income doubles on back of continued Minecraft success.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Year 12 Homework

Write a response focusing on the construction of ethnicity from this clip from Hotel Babylon. You should consider the:
  • camera shots, angles, movement, composition
  • editing
  • sound
  • mise-en-scene
You should use your terminology booklets to try to make sure that you are using a wide variety of terms. You should watch the clip 4 times. Your response should reflect 45 minutes writing time in pressure conditions (about 3 sides depending on handwriting).
Due Tuesday 22nd April

Monday, 31 March 2014

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

G322 Video Games: An Awesome Indie Game

Have you played Papers, Please?

One of the most unusual video games of 2013, Papers, Please bills itself as a ‘Dystopian Document Thriller’ where you take on the role of an immigration officer at a border to the fictional country of Arstotzka.
It is a fantastic case study for you because it is an independent game, created by one man Lucas Pope. Pope is an ex-employee of large American developer Naughty Dog, who are famous for creating the Uncharted series, as well as recent smash hit The Last of Us. He left Naughty Dog as he wanted to develop his own games.
Papers, Please is available on digital distribution platform Steam as well as the creator’s own website ( Without developments in technology to allow digital distribution, this game would cost too much to distribute and would not successfully find the niche audience it needs. It wouldn’t make much money, and so it probably would never be made in the first place.
It is targeting a different kind of audience as it is not an action packed shooter game, but instead is more intellectually challenging.
The game has been nominated in the categories of "Best Game", "Game Design", "Game Innovation" and "Simulation Game" for the 2014 BAFTA Video Games Awards. This is a really prestigious nomination for such a small game! Watch the live stream here,3664,BA.html

The awards are on 12/3/14.

Papers, Please could be an ideal case study to look at alongside Minecraft.

Read a BBC article about Papers, Please here:

Read the Wikipedia entry here:

Watch the trailer here:

And if you fancy it and have the money, pop onto Steam and buy the game. Give it a go!

Glory to Arstotzka!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Exemplar Evaluation

Here is the exemplar evaluation I showed in class- click on the evaluation label!

This evaluation is to an excellent standard- note the excellent presentation and the dedication to using digital technology, alongside the thorough detail the candidate uses.

A less tidy blog is this one, but with a good level of depth:

I would encourage you to look at the blog post below to look at additional ideas you may wish to present some of the information- though use at your own risk (i.e. I am only vaguely familiar with these websites!)

Monday, 24 February 2014

Shakespeare Through A Lens Project Brief

You have been commissioned by the Lambeth City Learning Centre, the Royal Shakespeare Company, the BFI and the management at Glenthorne High School to gain a deeper understanding of Titus Andronicus by filming a scene from the play from a range of different perspectives. You will edit the film to produce a high-quality 3-7 minute segment of film to be screened on a 400 seater cinema screen at the BFI for family and other guests. The films will then have an online life on a variety of platforms including RSC, CLC and BFI websites.

  • What kind of brief is this (using the list you wrote about different kinds of briefs)?
  • What elements of the brief can be negotiated? What elements are essential?

Monday, 27 January 2014

TV Comedy Audience Pleasures Homework

Above are a list of audience pleasures connected with TV comedies. In your books, under the heading TV Comedy Audience Pleasures, identify 2 audience pleasures for Have I Got News For You and 2 audience pleasures for The Big Bang Theory

You will need to write a short paragraph for each, using full sentences and providing evidence for each of the audience pleasures you identify. This is due for Thursday 30th January.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Ancillary Task Exemplars

Below are a few different exemplars of work for the ancillary task, with the marks and comments also below.

Exemplar 1 Digipak:

Exemplar 1 Magazine Ad:

Exemplar 2 Digipak & Magazine Ad:!magazine-advert--digipak/c27p

Exemplar 3 Digipak:!digipak-final-draft-/c16iy

Exemplar 3 Magazine Ad:!magazine-advert-final-draft/c1jxc

Exemplar 1 Feedback:
Exemplar 2 Feedback:
Exemplar 3 Feedback:



Monday, 6 January 2014

Production Company Idents

Production Company Ident

Many major film company idents tend to reflect a wider appeal- Universal, Paramount and Dreamworks, for example.


For independent production companies who specialise in making certain films, there tends to be a slightly more themed ident.

For example, Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's production company Gary Sanchez Productions

Gunslinger Productions have made 'edgy' social realism films like Shank, Sket and the parody Anuvahood.

Please bear in mind:

- Do not have a company logo that distracts from the film: if you are making a horror film, you need to avoid having a logo that is funny or cute. It is usually wise to keep it simple. On the other hand, you don't want it to be too closely connected to your plot- i.e. if your film is about a haunted house don't have a production company logo with a haunted house.

- It would be beneficial to look at case studies: some exemplars of different production company logos should be on your blog.

- You could have a very short animated/video production company logo: though it should just be a few seconds and quite simple

- You don't need to stop at one: you may have noticed that many trailers have more than one company at the beginning- by all means have a few different companies briefly being shown- you would then need to discuss how your film is a co-production or has picked up a specific distributor.