Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Final Parts of Planning: Talent Release, Location Permissions, Record Label Permissions

Talent Release Forms

In the final stages of your planning, you will need to complete some practicalities.

In terms of the talent release form, you need to have everyone who has agreed to be in your video to complete a release form- if they attend this school then the address can simply be the name of the school. For any students who do not attend, a 'vague' address is fine (e.g. Sutton). You should not upload any Talent Release Forms with full addresses.

Location Permissions Letter

Again used as evidence that you have planned out all of your locations and have a set shooting schedule, the location permissions letter can be more formal than below

Record Label Permissions Letter
You are required to seek (but not necessarily receive) permission to use your track from their record label. This should be done in an official manner but may be e-mailed as an attachment to the record label. 


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