Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Focus Group Advice

You will need to ask 5 questions to a group (3-4 people)- ideally most/all will be from your target audience. You can film this on your phone or any other device, provided you can access and edit the footage.

The idea is to have a group discussion- so aim to ask questions that get people discussing rather than yes/no questions.

This is a really good opportunity to find out first hand what your audience may respond to.

Exemplar questions (welcome to adapt/use these)

1. Why do you think people pirate films and television shows?

2. Do you think piracy is an okay thing to do?

3. Do you think piracy affects the British film and television industry? Do you care?

4. What kind of things may appeal to a 15-30 audience to promote anti-piracy?

5. If you were making an anti-piracy ad, what would you include?