Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Exemplar Evaluation

Here is the exemplar evaluation I showed in class- click on the evaluation label!


This evaluation is to an excellent standard- note the excellent presentation and the dedication to using digital technology, alongside the thorough detail the candidate uses.

A less tidy blog is this one, but with a good level of depth:


I would encourage you to look at the blog post below to look at additional ideas you may wish to present some of the information- though use at your own risk (i.e. I am only vaguely familiar with these websites!)


Monday, 24 February 2014

Shakespeare Through A Lens Project Brief

You have been commissioned by the Lambeth City Learning Centre, the Royal Shakespeare Company, the BFI and the management at Glenthorne High School to gain a deeper understanding of Titus Andronicus by filming a scene from the play from a range of different perspectives. You will edit the film to produce a high-quality 3-7 minute segment of film to be screened on a 400 seater cinema screen at the BFI for family and other guests. The films will then have an online life on a variety of platforms including RSC, CLC and BFI websites.

  • What kind of brief is this (using the list you wrote about different kinds of briefs)?
  • What elements of the brief can be negotiated? What elements are essential?